I Am Based In Melbourne And My University Has A Strict Plagiarism Policy, Do You Provide Anything?

Needless to say, academic writing is challenging. Especially, when the assignment specifications say “include at least 15 literary sources”! How on earth is that possible without copying? Including 15 different papers in a 1500 word essay without violating the plagiarism policy requires special skills. If you lack these skills, you need an assignment helper in your life. Because Australian Universities have strict plagiarism policies and copying someone else’s work without proper credits can land you into serious trouble. Academic life is anyway full of struggles, and then it becomes a double-edged sword with all those strict plagiarism guidelines. Let’s discuss, what are your options to steer clear of the risk of getting penalized and how can Treat Assignment Help puts you at ease?

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What are the types of plagiarism?

When you breach a rule or violate a law, you have to face the consequences. In the case of academic plagiarism, the outcome can be an adverse impact on your career. If you don’t want to get your marks deducted stop copying others’ work or learn how to cite the sources properly. To do that, you can get online assignment help. Additionally, you should know the different scenarios when you end up submitting plagiarized content.

Basically, there are two types of plagiarism, intentional and accidental. Replacing the words with their synonyms and loose paraphrasing is not good for your academic career. It may or may not fall into the category of deliberate plagiarism. Additionally, some students even make silly mistakes and miss adding quotation marks to the content. 

A bad case of paraphrasing, missing quotation marks, or improper citation, whatever be the reason, the tutors won’t entertain your excuses. So either be prepared to face penalties or consider getting professional help.

Treat Assignment Help is a highly recognized assignment helper service in Australia. Thousands of students rely on us to submit their weekly assignments. When time-crunched students can’t resist the urge to copy the articles from the web, they seek help from us. Our team of experts is recognized across Melbourne and various other universities of Australia for delivering 100% plagiarism free work. 

How do we avoid plagiarism in our assignments?

Treat Assignment Help is a team of subject experts, trained writers and highly experienced proofreaders. We adhere to a strict quality control policy to match the standards of academic policies at varied Australian universities. You can rely on our expertise to avoid the serious consequences of plagiarized assignments. We are a top-rated online assignment help service in Australia, delivering the assurance of plagiarism free quality. To avoid plagiarism, we adhere to the following service principles:

  • We write from scratch: The easiest way to avoid plagiarism is to never use someone else’s work. We don’t work that way either. We never sell or rephrase old content. We don’t believe in taking the short cuts. We always prepare the drafts right from scratch to minimize the risk of having plagiarized content.

  • We adhere to strict quality control: Our team of writers is well aware of the strict quality control procedure. They know that a loosely paraphrased work is going to be rejected. So they keep those strict policies in mind and never prepare a draft that is based on someone else’s ideas.

  • We use plagiarism checker: We are academic helpers and therefore all of our work has to be Turnitin approved. To do that, we scan every paper using the premium versions of the latest and most sophisticated plagiarism checkers.

  • We use manual proofreading: We don’t just settle with a plagiarism checker result. We go one step ahead and conduct manual proofreading. This ensures that the corrections suggested by the tools are not looking like loose fragments of paraphrased content. Poorly organized content fails to impress the tutors and the result will be poor feedback. Therefore, Treat Assignment Help leverages the skills of experienced proofreaders who take extra caution in checking in-text citations and quotations. 

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Final word

Plagiarism is academic dishonesty. If your university has a strict policy against plagiarism then you should not risk your career due to a lack of time or knowledge. Consider getting help from professionals to avoid any chance of plagiarism. Treat Assignment Help is a highly trusted service offering Turnitin-approved papers. Get in touch with us and avail of assignments that are prepared from scratch and are free from any sort of plagiarism.

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